Zuleide de Carvalho is an Angolan Fulbrighter taking the second year of her MA in broadcast journalism at University of Missouri-Columbia, in the U.S.  She started her journalistic career 12 years ago. For six years Zuleide wrote news mostly about social issues, culture and arts, but economics and political pieces as well for newspaper O PAÍS. Her work was also found on print magazines Supernoite and Vida. She worked as Public Relations Officer for Luso-Angolan Dj Djeff, who plays on house-music world’s biggest stages. Zuleide is a passionate solo traveler and has been to 13 countries. A dreamer by default, she cares deeply about human rights, and has a degree in Human Resources Management. Zuleide grew up in Portugal, living there for eight years.


For the love of Angola (the African country, not the U.S. prison)

Video: For the love of Angola, the African country