U-Turn: A travel quote to help you press the reset and rejuvenation button as you enter 2023

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  • Published on December 29, 2022
  • Last Updated March 17, 2023
  • In Videos

Close out 2022 with a reflective travel quote and step into the new year on faith with DETOUR.

Like many, you may find yourself frazzled and exhausted at the close of one year and heading into the next. With all the planning, list-making, goal-setting, and regular holiday frenzy, one can often find oneself stressed to the max. Added to this is the fact that things in your life may not be going as you planned. It’s enough to bring on the end-of-year blues. But that’s no way to begin a new year! Take a moment to press the reset button and get into this week’s U-Turn video, where host Suzette Webb shares one of her favorite travel quotes that inspires us to remember that sometimes the best journeys begin by trusting that the unexpected turns will lead us exactly where we need to go.


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